From its beginning in 1982, The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (LICC) has been driven and inspired by sharing “the wondrous good news of Christ for all of life.”

The founders, John Stott and friends, saw the challenges Christians were having in making the connection between the Bible and the realities they faced in the world. They recognised how the disconnect “drastically shrivelled the church’s mission to the nation.” Determined to tackle this challenge head-on, LICC was born.

LICC - London Institute for Contemporary Christianity -

In the years since LICC, has sought to resource the Church and followers of Jesus - to more faithfully integrate their faith with all of life. Through a variety of resources, training opportunities and events, LICC has been invested on helping people “uncover fruitfulness where they are.”

Giving shape to this ‘uncovering process’ are six key areas (6M) which characterise fruitful living: Modelling Godly character, Making good work, Ministering grace and love, Moulding culture, Mouthpiece for truth and justice and Messenger of the gospel.

LICC is producing a series of short videos which capture - in the lives of real people - 6M living in everyday practice. We think you’ll find these stories not only interesting, but a catalyst for your own consideration of what faithfulness and fruitfulness in the marketplace - and all of life - might look like where God has uniquely placed you.

Take a moment to watch Philippa’s story in the video above - how the 6Ms are shaping her everyday in the marketplace as a designer and maker of bridal wear.


Viewpoint: Stewarding Creation


A Majestic Christmas - SOLD OUT