Prayer: deeply rooted, bearing fruit
The Genesis Network longs to see marketplace transformation. Marketplaces across this entire island more and more reflecting the kingdom of God. Marketplaces from Portstewart to Cork, from Dublin to Galway (and everywhere between and beyond!) more and more characterised by “on earth as it is in heaven.”
The kind of transformation that comes when radical disciples – deeply rooted in Christ – are themselves being transformed day-by-day. This transformation impacts the work and relationships that make up their everyday in the marketplace.
This is key: personal transformation precedes marketplace transformation. As we are transformed, our sphere of the marketplace will be transformed.
In his book Resilient Disciples Rick Hill highlights spiritual habits that, when cultivated in a daily practice, begin to shape and transform our lives. Spiritual habits – scripture, prayer, retreat, fasting, Sabbath – that keep us deeply rooted so our lives bear fruit.
On prayer Rick writes, “While it is easy to talk about praying, it is much harder to form as a habit. But once formed, the habit of prayer opens up everyday conversations with our heavenly Father, shapes the mind of Christ in us, and unleashes the power of the Holy Spirit.”
“Getting into good patterns of prayer eventually shapes us into prayerful people, and prayerful people rarely find themselves far from God or his will for their lives.”
May we be deeply rooted, prayer-full disciples. Disciples who – in our everyday – are living, growing, bearing fruit as we are transformed in Christ.
“Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can’t bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me.”
– John 15:4 (The Message)