Marketplace Transformation: What is it and how can I see it today?

We recently sat down with Paul Williams. Now CEO of Bible Society, Paul worked for over a decade in business in London and then as an academic theologian in Canada.

He is the visionary behind ReFrame, an innovative resource for whole-life discipleship, produced by Regent College, Vancouver, where he holds a Research Professorship of Marketplace Theology and Leadership.

Paul was formerly Chief Economist and Head of International Research for DTZ plc, a London-based multinational real estate consulting and investment-banking group, and has worked as an economic policy advisor for the European Commission and numerous national and city governments.

In thinking of marketplace transformation, Paul brings prayerful and critical consideration, leadership expertise, and a background in economics, business, political philosophy and theology. Woven together these inform and shape his passion to support the Church’s missional engagement with contemporary culture.

His 2020 book Exiles on Mission: How Christians Can Thrive in a Post-Christian World calls for a radical reimagining of the Church’s mission and provides practical tools - helping Christians play their part in God’s purpose to redeem and reconcile all of creation.


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